The diet I describe here is one I created for myself over 25 years ago. As a girl of barely eighteen, I suffered from recurring ulcers in my stomach and duodenal bulb. After completing antibiotic therapy with Controloc, the pain and suffering would return all over again. Doctors told me I wouldn’t live to see 30.
Today, at almost 44 years old, I can calmly say that my stomach issues ended more than a quarter of a century ago. Now, I come to you to share my recipe for a healthy digestive system.
While the principles of my diet may surprise you, I can confidently say that it has also helped many of my patients around the world.
What should be eliminated from the diet for at least 3 months in such cases?
Vinegars, both spirit and apple
Citrus fruits
Black tea
Black tea with lemon
Fried meat
Yogurts, including natural ones, as well as Activa and Actimel
Cow’s milk, buttermilk, kefir, sour milk
Coffee with cow’s milk
Avoid fried foods in general
From dairy products, you can consume white cottage cheese and yellow cheese, but only baked, e.g., on a sandwich or casserole, not cold and hard straight from the refrigerator.
Tomatoes and peppers without skin
What is recommended to eat and drink?
Bananas on an empty stomach in the morning, before breakfast
Pureed juices that do not contain citrus fruits
Boiled potatoes